
Here Is Newly Single Justin Bieber Covering ‘Cry Me a River’

The devoted Beliebers among you will remember that Justin Bieber has covered ‘Cry Me a River’ before — back in 2008, when he still had the bangs and the “Baby” falsetto (and the baby cheeks. Aw, Justin Bieber, look how you’ve grown.) Still, consider the time line here: Late Friday, People reports that Justin and his longtime girlfriend Selena Gomez have split over her “trust issues.” Saturday night, Biebz takes the stage in Boston and covers the most famous (and least subtle) pop-star kiss-off song of this millennium. Some might try to file this away as an oddly timed expression of respect for the extant works of Justin No. 1 (a.k.a. Timberlake.), but Bieber is 18 years old, and a noted troll. This is a shot; the post-breakup war is on. Vulture eagerly awaits Selena’s Taylor Swift duet of revenge.

Newly Single Bieber Covers ‘Cry Me a River’